Thursday, February 9, 2017

This is a success story! (Or at least I am choosing to see it as such.)

Remembering a blizzard not unlike the one we are in midst of today. At that time, it was only myself and 2 of my sons at home and they were headed off to work. (Yes, in the middle of a blizzard; or at a minimum, a REALLY bad snow storm!).

I asked them if they were going to shovel the driveway before they left. They said that they didn't have time. They had to get to work to shovel out the boats. (Yes, the boats that they were selling because apparently TONS of people come out in snowstorms to buy boats in the middle of winter).

No automatic alt text available.Asking if they could at least show me how to use the snow blower?

"Mom, you can find ANYTHING on YouTube these days. Don't worry. You can do it."

(To be completely honest, worried is NOT the emotion I was feeling at that exact moment.)

Under my breath I listened to myself say "I could do it?" (almost seething).

And I did!

This is a success story! (Or at least I am choosing to see it as such.)

My sons must have seen their Mom as young enough, strong enough, smart enough, techie, capable and able to do whatever needed to be done.

Why did they think this?

Because apparently this is what I and their Dad had shown them up to that point.

Well done!
How to use a snowblower

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